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Kingfisher Lighting

The Client

For over 25 years, Kingfisher Lighting have been recognised as a leading provider of innovative lighting technologies.

The Brief

We were commissioned to develop multichannel creative marketing materials, to increase awareness of key products and services to existing, new and prospective customer groups.

The Project

Our creative team were initially commissioned to enhance the Kingfisher Lighting style guidelines, by developing a consistent, engaging, creative style, for each audience category.

Once the guidelines were agreed, we were commissioned to support the in-house Kingfisher Lighting marketing team, by successfully delivering creative projects.

We receive multiple briefs each week, including brochure, HTML email, trade advertising, exhibition, packaging and direct marketing assignments.

We also deliver campaign elements, including bespoke printed brochures, tailored digital presentations and the development of a comprehensive suite of highly technical data sheets.

Our creative studio team are fully integrated with the in-house Kingfisher Lighting marketing team.

The Result

Following the introduction of segmented marketing, Kingfisher Lighting achieved year on year sales growth. They also enjoyed double digit growth in qualified sales leads from the wholesale market.


Registered in England and Wales. Reg No. 07169297 VAT Reg No. 120514076
Objective is a full service strategic marketing agency, based in Sheffield, with specialist teams delivering strategic marketing, creative design & digital services to B2B organisations.
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